Friday, September 08, 2006

...and just when you think nothing would surprise you anymore

I love Kerala... but then sometimes something like this comes along that defies all imagination. Apparently the government in a (surprisingly) good move decided to put up "speed governers ~ speeding rules/fines et al" for large vehicles and the All Kerala Assn of buses and trucks and tanker lorries is actually calling for a strike in protest !!!!! Here is the story . Yup... only in my own sweet Kerala... will people actually protest the enforcement of something that is so logical. (oh, btw, they will probaby get their way out of this too in the end...) For those who are wondering why we need speed limits for these monsters, take into account that more than 50% of road accidents have one of these guys at the giving end (and usually a small motorist at the receiving).

Recently there have been some moves by the Kerala govt. that have inspired some admiration... the banning of Pepsi and Coke, the introduction of Linux and some other to name a few, but then ..... once in a while, as if just to prove a point, we have one of these...

oh... i love malluland...

Lagey Raho
:-) will defenitely attempt to :-) ....
Things have changed. At least some things...

speeding rules will come in doubt about it. for a few days a few speeding vehicles will be fined. and then, some big shot's/mafia's vehicle will get in trouble. and then - - vehicles will continue to speed-back to their evil ways despite speed regulators.
that's my kerala.
why do i suffer her?
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