Monday, August 23, 2004

blogging a blog

Ok, before we begin this business of blogging this blog, let me tell you the reason for the title of this blog. I have been an absentee blogger for too long. Which as any blogger would tell you is the situation of most bloggers in this cyber universe anyways. I mean which sane minded person would take it upon himself to record daily happenings of absolutely no value to anyone but himself (which by the way is a rare occurrence in itself, the daily happenings being of value to himself that is) in a place on the web where, unless extremely lucky or unlucky depending on the way you want to look at it, no one would even give it a second glance, if at all it is lucky enough to get a first ?
As Douglas Adams would say, the above sentence made sense, if you dont believe me, go back and read it again. That is not the problem.
The problem is the fact that I can't bring myself to blog. Dont take me wrong, it is not that I don't spend enough time browsing through absolutely useless stuff on the internet. It is just that when it comes to blogging it doesn't quite feel like my cup of tea. Which reminds me, I sorely miss that "sp tea" that vague tea shop in one corner of vellacherry (madras, india, for the uninitiated) would make me if I paid him one rupee and fifty paise, roughly the equivalent of 0.03 USD.

There you have it, if you are someone who is reading this blog, which by the way I have no idea why you are doing, then why oh why on earth would you want to know why I miss the sp tea ? If you are interested in such facts, you need some help; and don't expect any from this blog.

Well that was that on blogging, "more later", i guess, is the catch phrase....


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